Refer & Earn $1000

Know someone who could benefit from our products and on-site gifting experiences? Share the connection, and we’ll reward you for helping us grow!

How It Works

1. Refer a business contact: Contact Name, Company Name, Email, Phone Number.

2. Our team will follow up with your referral and guide them through our products and services.

3. Once the deal closes, you’ll receive $1,000 as a token of our appreciation.

Why Partner with Us?

We are a luxury everyday essentials brand that handcrafts all products in Canada and the US using only natural raw materials.

We make it easy! We take care of distribution, staffing, customizations, etc.

We offer: Bulk shipping, drop shipping, virtual gifts stores and on-site gifting experiences anywhere in the world.

Ready to Start? Submit your referral today! Complete the form below, and let’s create success together.